Members Requesting Time to Address the Board of Directors at Their Next Available Meeting 

At the Four Rivers Association of REALTORS®, we strongly believe in the power of open communication and transparency. Your input and feedback are valued and crucial to the success of our organization. We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to hear your unique perspectives and insights. 

If you want to address the Board of Directors at an upcoming meeting, we encourage you to take the following steps:

1. Prepare your remarks.

2. Submit your request for speaking time to Regina Tubré at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 830-625-6954 Ext 111.

3. Await confirmation of your speaking time.


Please keep in mind the following guidelines for public comments:

Relevance: Comments should pertain to issues within the purview of the Board of Directors.

Respect: We expect all speakers to maintain a respectful and civil tone during their remarks.

Time Limit:  To ensure fairness and efficiency, speaking time is limited to 3 minutes per person.

Submission Deadline: Requests for speaking time must be submitted two weeks before the monthly board meeting.

Please refer to the Association Calendar for the Board of Directors' meeting dates.


Once you've submitted your request, we will promptly review it and confirm your speaking time if it's available and relevant to the agenda. If, unfortunately, your requested time slot is unavailable, we will do our utmost to accommodate an alternative time or provide other avenues for sharing your valuable input. We want to reiterate our unwavering commitment to transparency and fairness in this process, ensuring that every member's voice is heard. 

To request speaking time or for any inquiries regarding membership participation, please get in touch with Regina Tubré, our Association Executive, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 830-625-6954 Ext 111.

We appreciate your interest in engaging with the Four Rivers Association of REALTORS® Board of Directors. We look forward to hearing from you and fostering meaningful dialogue to better our association.